Урок англійської мови у 10 класі
Світ живопису
навчальна: систематизувати та узагальнити знання учнів з теми, практикувати
учнів у підготовленому монологічному мовленні;
розвиваюча: розвивати навички читання, говоріння, письма, аудіювання, а
також творче мислення, мовну здогадку; сприяти розвитку пізнавальних інтересів
учнів, розширенню світогляду;
виховна: виховувати почуття прекрасного, а також повагу до культури та
мистецтва народів.
Обладнання: підручник для 10 класу (О. Карпюк; Тернопіль «Видавництво Астон» 2018),
роздатковий матеріал, комп'ютер та мультимедійна дошка,
Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Привітання Greeting
T: Good
morning, dear guys and girls. I am glad to meet all of you. How are you getting
We are very well, thank you.
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку Aim
T: The topic of today`s lesson is “THE WORLD OF
By the end of the lesson you`ll be able to:
- talk
about the famous painters;
- understand
the gist and details of the text for listening;
- invent
your own dialogue;
- identify
the main idea and specific information reading the text;
- practice
grammar skills.
3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу Warming up
Game “Snowball”
The first pupil names one kind of art, the second
pupil repeats it and adds another word, the next pupil repeats two words and
says one more. The winner is the pupil who will repeat the chain of all the
words on the topic.
- art
- art,
- art,
painting, galleries,
- art,
painting, galleries, museums
- art,
painting, galleries, museums, theatre …
T: Now look at the quotation of the well-known American publicist Henry Ward Beecher
What do you think about it?
Використовується метод «Мікрофон». Цей метод дає змогу
кожному сказати щось швидко, по черзі, відповідаючи на запитання або
висловлюючи свою думку чи позицію.
Уявіть, що у вас в руках мікрофон
і саме вам потрібно висловити думку. Тому інші учні не можуть говорити,
викрикувати з місця, оскільки право говорити має тільки той, у кого
«символічний» мікрофон.
II. Основна частина уроку
1. Перевірка домашнього завдання Check on Homework
Двоє – троє учнів розповідають про відомих художників, використовуючи
P.1 I would like to tell you about Thomas Gainsborough. He
was a portraitist and landscape painter. He was born in Sudbury in 1727 and was
the son of merchant.
He was the first British painter
who painted British countryside. He painted the wagon of hay, a poor cottage,
poor peasant. His works of landscape contain much poetry and music. His best
works are: “Portrait of
Sarah Buxton”, “Lady Georgiana Cavendish”, “Lady in Blue”, “Cornard Wood”,
“Sunset”, “The Cottage Door”, “The Market Cart”, “The Bridge”.
The particular discovery of
Gainsborough was a creation of a form of art in which the characters and the
background form a single unity. His works, painted in clear and transparent
tones, had considerable influence on the artists of the English school. He was
in advance of his time. His art became a forerunner of the Romantic Movement.
P.2 Let me tell you about John Constable, one of the greatest landscape
painters. He was born in Sufford, on June 11, 1776. He was the son of a wealthy
miller. He began to take interest in landscape painting while he was at grammar
Constable was the first
landscape painter who considered that every painter should make his sketches
direct from nature, that is, working in the open air.
Constable was a realistic. He
put into his landscape cattle, horses, the people working there. He put the
smiling meadows, the sparkle of the sun on rain, or the stormy clouds.
The most notable works of Constable are: “Dedham Vale”, “Flatford Mill”, “A Cottage in the
Cornfield”, “The Hay Wain”, “Malvern Hall”, “Weymouth Bay”, “Boat building”.
His influence upon foreign painting school has been powerful. Constable may truly be considered the father of modern landscape painting.
2. Активізація лексичного матеріалу Vocabulary Practice
Find 7 words connected with the museum or gallery
P |
O |
R |
T |
R |
A |
I |
T |
T |
C |
E |
C |
O |
L |
L |
E |
C |
T |
U |
X |
Q |
W |
D |
F |
Q |
E |
D |
L |
H |
C |
V |
B |
J |
J |
Q |
I |
T |
I |
C |
A |
N |
V |
A |
S |
S |
U |
B |
O |
Q |
G |
Z |
D |
Z |
P |
R |
I |
P |
L |
T |
W |
M |
T |
L |
E |
T |
Y |
L |
Q |
R |
Z |
M |
A |
Q |
V |
V |
B |
N |
M |
J |
O |
Y |
1). Етап підготовки до сприйняття тексту на слух Pre-Listening Activity
Впр. 1 (с.175)
Учні в парах обговорюють запитання вправи
б) Впр. 2 (с.
Учні у групах формулюють і записують визначення поданих
2). Етап слухання тексту Listening
Впр. 3, (с. 176)
Учні слухають текст два рази (karpiuk – audio-10-klas-zag-2018.zip)
3) Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту Post-Listening Activity
Впр. 4 (с. 176)
Учні по черзі відповідають на запитання. Учитель стежить за правильністю відповідей.
4. Розвиток умінь мовлення. Speaking
1) Робота в парах
Учні отримують картки (НО 1) і в парах складають діалоги . По закінченню роботи кілька пар інсценують діалоги перед класом. Учитель стежить за правильністю граматичної будови речень.
Work in pairs. Read the situations and make up dialogues
1. Student A is a visitor
of your town. He/she doesn’t know where the Picture Gallery is.
2. Student B is a
passer-by. He/she should give instructions to someone who asks for directions
1. Student A is a
foreigner. He/she doesn’t know where the Opera Theatre is.
2. Student B is a
passer-by. He/she should give instructions to someone who asks for directions
1. 1. Student A is a
visitor of the Gallery. He/she would like to know more about the exposition.
2. Student B is a guide.
He/she should give instructions to someone who asks for help.
1. Student A is going to
visit some of the museums of the city. He/she doesn’t know what exhibits they
2. Student B is his/her friend. He/she should give a piece of advice to someone who asks for help.
2) Монологічне мовлення
Look at the paintings and express your own impressions and feelings
T: Look through the list of new expressions:
It`s makes me gasp.
The picture evokes … feeling in me.
It`s a masterpiece that stands the test of time/
The painting is romantic (lyrical, appealing, powerful, original,
outstanding, breathtaking).
It`s an unsurpassed masterpiece.
It`s a real breath of fresh air.
The painting is dull.
It` a colourless daub of painting.
It`s no longer a picture in anything but name.
It`s pretence of art.
The painter portraitist | depicts describes portrays reflects
| a group of peopl a beautiful woman a ship in the waves of the sea an internal psychological and social drama
It`s an unsurpassed masterpiece. In my opinion the
painting is breathtaking.
In the foreground the painter portrays a
mysterious woman. She is sitting half-turn on a chair. Her gaze is fixed on us.
Some people say that she has a sad smile. The others believe that it is a smile
of contentment. So, the mystery of Lisa del Gioconda’s smile is still
unsolved. Her wavy hair falls on her
shoulders. She is wearing a deep-green dress.
In the
background there is a beautiful view of the winding streams which are
surrounded by many hills that are visible behind all the figure.
I wish I could visit the Louvre Museum in Paris one day and see this picture with my own eyes.
Подання тексту для читання Reading
Впр. 4 (с. 180)
1) Етап підготовки
до читання Pre-Reading Activity
Бесіда з учнями
T: Have you ever
visited an art museum? When was the last time you went to the art museum? Do
you visit museums when you go to another city?
What art form do you like best?
2) Етап читання Reading
Учні самостійно
читають тексти.
3) Етап перевірки
розуміння змісту текстів Post-Reading
Учні у групах обговорюють особливості кожного з музеїв, вирішуючи, який музей краще відвідати й чому. Вживаються подані опорні слова для висловлення припущення та своєї точки зору (Useful Language, p. 180).
6. Відпрацювання граматичного матеріалу. Grammar practice
T: Look at the “Grammar Point” box on pages 173-174 and
answer the questions
2. What words or phrases are often used with the Past
Perfect Tense? (by, by the time, before, after, just, already)
When do we use the
Past Perfect Continuous Tense? (When we show an action that was in progress in
the past before another action). Give an example (He had been training for
three years when he painted his masterpiece.)
4. What words or phrases are often used with the Past Perfect Continuous Tense (for, since, before, all day, all night).
Учні самостійно письмово виконують вправу (HO 2). По закінченні роботи учні читають речення. Учитель контролює правильність виконання завдання.
Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, Past Perfect,
or Past Perfect Continuous
room________ (be) full of smoke because we ______ (smoke).
boys _________ (do) their homework by the time I _______ (arrive).
kitchen _________ (be) a mess because the boys ________ (cook).
(dig) in the garden for three hours when she stopped for a break.
_____________ (just / finish) his homework when the teacher ______ (come in).
garden _______ (be) flooded because it _______________ (rain) all night.
_______________(watch) TV after we____________ (finish) dinner.
______________ (forget) to clean my teeth before I ________ (get) to bed.
family and I __________ (watch) a scary science fiction film for an hou rwhen I noticed that I
_______ (be) alone in the room.
_________ (train) all day long so they ______ (be) very tired.
she ___________ (do) her homework, she _______ (go) to visit her friend.
long ________________ (you/ study) when you decided to apply for participation
in the concert?
He _______________ (iron) all morning when his wife ___________ (arrive).
were exhausted because they ___________ (play) chess all day long.
15.Before Paul _________ (arrive) we _________ (finish) lunch.
III. Заключна частина уроку
1. Домашнє завдання Homework
Впр.5, ст.190 (письмово)
2. Підведення підсумків уроку Summarizing
T: Ok,
dear students, it is almost time to stop. Let us sum up the results of our
1What topic have we practiced all this lesson?
2What video have we watched?
3What grammar material have we revised at the lesson
Well done! You have worked very hard. Your marks are…
It was a pleasure to work with you. Thank you for been active.